Variable distance units RODOSET® are levelling units, known also as “adjustable height spacers”.

Distinctive feature

RODOSET® distance units are levelling units, mechanical parts where the overall height can be adjusted simply by screwing or unscrewing the upper part, using a hook wrench


When electric motor, gear motor, pump or other units must be placed with precision, RODOSET® distance units (or levelling units) can be of great help for solid and accurate mounting, eliminating the need of adjustment brackets and rails.

Even when it’s necessary to re-adjust position or align (for example, in order to tension loose belts), the height adjustment feature makes it easy and quick to perform, without need of additional shims or re-working.

Thread of RODOSET® distance units – levelling units is pre-lubricated, for easier adjustment even long time after installation; unit body is corrosion protected by zinc plating; for use in more corrosive environment, units in two different material options, stainless steel Aisi 303 and Aisi 316, are as well available.

RODOSET® distance units – Advantages

Height adjustment can be performed with accuracy, even if the whole assembly is sturdy and more compact than an adjustment bracket with threaded bars and jam-nuts.

The whole assembly is rigid and reliable. Units’ body is out of 42CrMo4 alloy steel and can bear high axial load.

What they do

RODOSET® parts are levelling units or, better defined, height adjustable spacers. On these parts the overall height can be fine adjusted simply be rotating the upper part, using a hook wrench. The product purpose is to be a reliable and standard, off-the-shelf solution, to be used instead of more complicated, expensive and time-taking adjustment operations my machining parts on design.

Abundant, but fine adjustment.

Height adjustment is performed rotating clockwise or anti-clockwise the upper part of the RODOSET® unit. The adjustment range is quite broad, so these units can be used in very different application cases.

At same time height adjustment can be very accurate, due to fine pitch of the matching thread: as example, in units RDU 40-22, which can accommodate bolts up to M20, the overall height travel way from 54 mm to 86 mm is reached with 21 full rotations of the upper part.

Reliable support action.

Upper and lower flat faces are large and the general structure out of 42CrMo4 alloy steel is strong enough so that high loads are possible and final assembly compact and sturdy.

Usable between non-parallel surfaces.

RODOSET® product range is including also units that can accept and compensate contact surfaces misalignment un to 4°.

Levelling units series RDU.. RDUK.. RDUL can be combine with self-aligning units RDWS.., which are built like a real axial spherical bearing.

RDUS.. units, besides the usual height adjustment feature, have the self-aligning capacity built in their upper part.

Typical use

When electric motor, gear motor, pump or other units must be placed with precision, RODOSET® levelling units can be of great help for solid and accurate mounting, without needing adjustment brackets made on design.

Even when it’s necessary to re-adjust position or align (for example, in order to tension loose belts), the height adjustment feature makes it easy and quick to perform, without need of additional shims or re-working.

Thread of levelling units is pre-lubricated, for easier adjustment even long time after installation; unit body is corrosion protected by zinc plating; for use in more corrosive environment, units in two different material options, stainless steel Aisi 303 and Aisi 316, are as well available.

tipomis.var.Min → Max
RDU..Distanziale variableVariable distance
Entretoise variable
acciaio/steel/acier 42 CrMo4,protetto da zincatura galvanica
protected by galvanic zinc
protégé par du zinc gavanisé
M6 → M36
RDU..A1acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi303
RDU..A4acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi316
Esempio di sigla: RDU 40-22A1 – tipo RDU, filettatura M40x1,5, adatto per viti da M20, in acciaio inox Aisi303
Example: RDU 40-22A1 – type RDU, threading M40x1,5, suitable for screw M20, stainless steel AISI303
Exemple: RDU 40-22A1 – type RDU, filettage M40x1,5, adapté pour les vis M20, enacier inoxydable Aisi303
tipomis.var.Min → Max
RDUK..Distanziale variable con controghiera
Variable distance with locknut
Entretoise variable avec contre-écrou
acciaio/steel/acier 42 CrMo4,
protetto da zincatura galvanica
protected by galvanic zinc
protégé par du zinc gavanisé
M6 → M36
RDUK..A1acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi303
RDUK..A4acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi316M6 → M48
Esempio di sigla: RDUK 50-26A4, filettatura M50x1,5, adatto per viti M24, in acciao inox Aisi316
Example: RDUK 50-26A4 – type RDUK, threading M50x1,5, suitable for screw M24, stainless steel Aisi316
Exemple: RDUK 50-26A4 – type RDUK, filatture M50x1,5, adapté pour les vis da M24, enacier inoxydable Aisi316
tipomis.var.Min → Max
RDUL..Distanziale variable ingombro ridottoVariable distance pressure switch
Entretoise variable encombrement réduit
acciaio/steel/acier 42 CrMo4,protetto da zincatura galvanica
protected by galvanic zinc
protégé par du zinc gavanisé
M6 → M36
RDUL..A1acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi303
RDUL..A4acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi316
Esempio di sigla: RDUL 20-11, tipo RDUL, filettatura M20x1, adatto per viti da M10, in acciaio zincato
Example: RDUL 20-11, type RDUL, threading M20x1, suitable for screw M10, in zinc-plated steel
Exemple: RDUL 20-11, type RDUL, filatture M20x1, adapté pour les vis da M10, enacier zingué
tipomis.var.Min → Max
RDUS..Distanziale variable accoppiamento sferico
Variable distance spherical
Entretoise variable accouplement sphérique
acciaio/steel/acier 42 CrMo4,protetto da zincatura galvanica
protected by galvanic zinc
protégé par du zinc gavanisé
M6 → M36
RDUS..A1acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi303
RDUS..A4acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi316
Esempio di sigla: RDUS 40-22A1 – tipo RDUS, filettatura M40x1,5, adatto per viti da M20, in acciaio inox Aisi303
Example: RDUS 40-22A1 – type RDUS, thread M40x1,5, suitable for screw M20, stainless steel Aisi303
Exemple: RDUS 40-22A1 – type RDUS, filettage M40x1,5, adapté pour les vis M20, enacier inoxydable Aisi303
tipomis.var.Min → Max
RDWS..Elemento autoallineante accoppiamento sferico
Auto Alignment Component spherical coupling
Élement d’autoalignement accouplement sphérique
acciaio/steel/acier 42 CrMo4,protetto da zincatura galvanica
protected by galvanic zinc
protégé par du zinc gavanisé
Ø 8,5 → Ø 58
RDWS..A1acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi303
RDWS..A4acciaio/steel/acier inox Aisi316
Esempio di sigla: RDWS 30-11A1 – tipo RDWS, Ø int. 20mm, Ø est. 45, appoggio sup. Ø 40mm, in acciaio inox Aisi303
Example: RDWS 30-11A1 – type RDWS, Ø int. 20mm, Ø est. 45, support sup. Ø 40mm, in stainless steel Aisi303
Exemple: RDWS 30-11A1 – type RDWS, Ø int. 20mm, Ø est. 45, support sup. Ø 40mm, enacier inoxydable Aisi303